Agenda Item Resolution on the authorization to issue option bonds / convertible bonds and on the exclusion of subscription rights together with the creation of conditional capital as well as a corresponding amendment of the Articles of AssociationĨ. View 0MO.DE financial statements in full. Agenda Item Resolution on the authorization to purchsae own sharesħ. balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, earnings & estimates, ratio and margins. Agenda Item Resolution on the amendment of § 12 of the articles of association (Supervisory Board compensation)Ħ. 2 Products include machines, industrial services and software and energy solutions. Agenda Item Resolution on the formal ratification of the acts of members of the Supervisory Boardĥ. DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT (name written in capital letters until September 2013: Gildemeister AG, until June 2015: DMG MORI SEIKI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT) is one of Germanys largest manufacturers of cuttingmachine tools and a manufacturer of CNC-controlled Lathes and Milling machines. Agenda Item Resolution on the formal ratification of the acts of the memmbers of the Management BoardĤ. Agenda Item Resolution on the appropriation of net retained profitsģ. 4 of the /Handelsgesetzbuch/ German Commercial Code (HGB), the proposal of the Board of Directors for the appropriation of the net retained profit for the financial year 2008 and the report of the Supervisory Board for the 2008 financial yearĢ. Agenda Item Presentation of the approved annual financial statement of GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft and the approved consolidated financial statement for 31 December 2008, the management report for GILDEMEISTER Aktiengesellschaft and the corporate group, the explanatory reports of the Board of Directors concerning the details according to §§ 289 para.